Mobile, Desktop
Design: UX/UI, Visual Design
Research: Expert Review
At a Glance

Interlogix, a security company that provides commercial and residential tech solutions, came to us to modernize their 10-year-old access control application called TruPortal Mobile.


With the goal of attracting larger-sized businesses, the redesign needed to have a seamless and easy-to-learn experience to incorporate new features and appeal to new customer types. We restructured and streamlined the application’s functionality to create a highly-simplified experience that targets the most common use cases.

The Challenge

While TruPortal Mobile’s functionality is simple in theory – locking and unlocking doors, making basic device configurations, etc. – the experience of the old application was overly complicated. Users of mobile devices expect quick consumption of information and access to key actions, and we needed to dramatically restructure the workflows to connect information in a more meaningful way.

The Challenge Image

How We Did It

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Expert Review

We began this project with an expert review to deeply understand the functionality of the existing application, identify areas of improvement, and develop a short-term and long-term design strategy. Our main finding was that the application’s broken navigation structure and lack of guidance put too much responsibility on the user to easily understand and move through the system. From these learnings, we developed a UX Philosophy to guide our design, which prioritized connectedness, simplicity, and guidance.

Simplify Framework and Navigation


Diving into the design process, our first step was to boil down the many pages and types of information into a simplified framework. Our framework was based on the main tasks a user would want to accomplish from a mobile device:


  • Operate: Changing the state of devices, such as locking/unlocking doors
  • Monitor: Keep an eye on event activity and live security footage
  • Configure: Set up system objects such as access levels and device schedules


Optimizing the framework around these use cases allowed for efficient workflows and showing the right information at the right time.




Highlight Status through a Consistent Visual Language 


Users of this application could be dealing with hundreds of devices and event activity. Knowing when something needs attention is very important for the user, so we wanted to surface important status indications in a clear way.


We developed a consistent treatment for each object in the system (such as doors, camera, and events) that included icons for quick object recognition, red coloring for warnings, orange coloring for cautions, and neutral coloring for anything that didn’t need to stand out. This consistency and highlighting of important status allow users to understand information at a glance and take action on what matters most.

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Create a Guided Experience

While the streamlined framework guides the user through their tasks more seamlessly, we also infused guidance mechanisms into appropriate moments to eliminate any confusion. Breaking up long tasks into “Step 1, 2, 3” sub-workflows, using less technical terminology, and incorporating help information for any points of possible confusion help reduce training and memorization needs for new users and experienced users alike.


Boiling down an overcomplicated application into a basic framework with intuitive navigation and information allows users to manage their security systems with confidence and ease. The TruPortal Mobile redesign has the modern look and seamless functionality to complement Interlogix’s security hardware and take them to the next level of business opportunities.

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