Mobile, Desktop
Design: UX/UI, Visual Design
Research: Interviews, User Testing
At a Glance

S2 Global is a leading security operations provider delivering safe, efficient inspection solutions around the globe. When it came time to fully redesign their CertScan platform, they tagged our team to create a single system allowing maximum productivity and flexibility across all active roles.  


We created a visually innovative and adaptable role-based user experience that unlocked the software's full value. The new design allowed rapid and thorough screening of cargo and other materials from users spanning field personnel and operational oversite, to maintenance and data analysts. 

The Challenge

The CertScan platform combines X-Ray imaging and radiation detection with digital data to improve accuracy for agencies and security providers during inspection checkpoints. 


Due to the number of individuals involved in this process and amount of data collected, our challenge was to deliver a solution that enhanced each role and its unique functions. The new design needed to surface critical data at the right moments along each role's journey, while balancing customization preferences with rigid protocols to allow users to work intuitively. 

The Challenge Image

“Optimized workflows for users with varying needs and roles was a fundamental element for a successful design. On top of that, CertScan can be used in a lot of scenarios across event security, border control, cargo, and air travel. The solution had to work for all the scenarios, not just one.”

Sarah Field

How We Did It

Curvy line

Before diving into the redesign, we conducted interviews with key CertScan users and stakeholders to uncover their pain points and mental models. These interviews revealed inspectors had mentally taxing and fast-paced workdays, at times making it difficult for them to stay on high-alert while performing critical responsibilities. The system also required them to navigate through disparate parts of the interface to complete essential tasks, ultimately slowing them down and hindering intuitive workflows.



Using discovery insights, we shaped our design approach to create a more guided, adaptable, and zeroed-in platform. We generated contrasting prototype concepts to illicit user reactions and assess trade-offs between stakeholders and users during research rounds. Both usability testing and rapid feedback cycles were integrated throughout the process to ensure the final design met user needs, technical constraints, and the business goals of stakeholders.



Recognizing that each user looks at system data differently, we aimed to present the right information at the right moment in their workflow to enhance efficiency and intuitiveness. We introduced actionable data visualizations and created a role-based user experience, tailoring the interface to each user type and their unique tasks. Field personnel now had streamlined access to frequently used controls, while data analysts could simultaneously track inspection durations and tool usage. This approach provided users with the flexibility to zoom in for detailed information or zoom out to gain a broader system perspective as needed.


Our final CertScan design combined data relationship visualizations and individual user type workflows into a single platform unlocking new levels of efficiency for inspectors at all levels. By defining a consistent system of color and icons as well as introducing innovative visuals, the CertScan platform draws connections between data types, highlights patterns in the sea of data, and surfaces critical information to help drive decisions. 


Built responsive, with scalability and system longevity in mind, our design can be adapted over time to fit evolving needs of S2 Global stakeholders, users, and future features. The CertScan platform is currently available on the market and being used by inspectors around the globe. You can visit the S2 Global website through the link below to learn more. 

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